Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Compassion; a senseless rant

How does a person feel when their affection isn't reciprocated? How do you feel?

If you care for someone, and they don't know it, thus, they don't return it; are you angry at them for not returning it?

People do favors because they expect one in return. They don't like to do favors, but they know they're getting one back. They hold it over one another's head like first born children ready to be sacrificed to Ronald Regan, slicing his wrists at the crust of a volcano.

Romance isn't dead, it's just been beaten into a coma, and refuses to come out of it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

France At it Again

Over one million protesters stormed the streets in France today, and no one really seems to notice. It's very sad because this is the future of not only France, but of the world.

The French government passed a labor-union law that allows any employer to fire anyone working for them that is 26 years old or younger, without provocation or warning; they don't need a reason, within the first two years of employment.

Originally, the workers had six months for their trial period. After that, their employment was practically guarenteed for life unless they committed a serious offense against the company they worked for.

A reason this is so huge, and that the union workers have joined with the youth on this is that the right to lifetime employment is not only a privilege in France, but it has been going on for decades upon decades, being embedded as part of their culture just like our flesh covers our bones.

The reason the French government passed this labor law is because France is increasingly losing position in the global economy. They are not making the money that other countries are making, or at least, not breaking even when it comes to number crunching. They're spending more than they seem to be worth. Other European countries, like Britain, have done an overhaul on their labor laws, and are progressing quite well, nothing staggering, but in the positive none the less. Other countries are generating the same amount of work, but offering lower wages.

Right now, this strife exists primarily in Europe, but soon enough the dilemma will find its way on to American shores. Frankly, it's been here for decades, only sometimes we seem too lazy, or too apathetic to notice. That's what welfare's for, right? That's why we collect unemployment, right?

I recommend rescinding child labor laws. If you have a child or teenager that does not see the worth in going to school, get them to work. Let them start making money, realizing that they do in fact need an education to stay alive in this world. If they don't like that, off to the military.

Who knows what it will take to get America off its ass. Taking away the welfare and unemployment compensation systems would be a start, but eliminating those campaigns would only increase unemployment, sinking the econonmy lower than it already is, which is a dismal place, right now.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sex Tape Jesus

Apparently God took note of my sex tape idea that I offered for his son. I needed a big break tomorrow after three-thirty, but was tied up because I needed to pick up my cousin from school at four. I just received a phone call from her telling me that I do not need to pick her up tomorrow.

Divine Intervention or guilty conscience?

Someone's hiding something.

Getting Ahead in the Workplace

When was the last time you took a chance?
I don't mean taking a chance by waiting until tomorrow to pay the light bill, or ordering the medium instead of a small.

I'm talking about taking a truly heart pumping, life experiencing, possibly life changing chance.

When was the last time you kissed someone you've never met?
How long can you go without needing your home or the people in your life?
What's it going to take for you to get the job you really want, rather than wasting another unheard sigh in the quarters that torrment your sanity everyday?
Or maybe you're at the job you want, but haven't received the status you desire. You want that promotion. Well, take a chance, take that promotion, don't wait to be asked about it. Storm into the head bosses office, don't mess with the middleman, you need to speak to the king of the mountain, everyone else will undermine you before giving Boss the message.

Break down Boss' door, plant your ass in front of his or her desk and say, "Your hours suck, you, as a leader are unfit for this position. I just finished masturbating, thinking about your spouse, and right now your son is getting sodomized by the entire football team before he let's them do a train on his ass."
Then you grab the photo of the young girl in pigtails in front a blue sky backdrop and ask, "Who's this cunt?"

By golly, if you don't have that promotion within the next ten minutes, there's seriously something wrong with the corporate workplace.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Reruns of Reality

I miss the guns sounds in 80's movies, the way a .22 caliber being fired was embellished to sound like a Sherman tank waking up the ninth infantry for breakfast, and how each round from a machine gun felt like capsules of thunder being slammed on to your chest.

Everyone wants realism in their entertainment these days. But wasn't the point of entertainment to escape reality?

Also, in 80's movies, when the final fight was on the music let you know. The rhythm was the sound of adrenline pumping through both warriors, and the sound of victory came at the expanse of horrible synthesizers crying like at the last unicorn's funeral.

These days, so called reality is entertainment, even though it's as choreographed as an fading celebrity's sex tapes that happen to pop up every time their career's need another boost.

I can't wait for Jesus Christ's sex tape. He could have used one a long time ago.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Know Your Streets

I'm listening to Motorhead right now, and I am beginning to believe that Vibrator is the greatest song ever recorded. I've heard it seven times in a row. It's simple, sleazy, smart, and speaks only the truth. These are three essential qualities that I look for in everything. Life, women, work...breakfast.

What is there to think about when it comes to the things we've done for years? I mean the things we do as our routine; honestly, what is there to think about? Sometimes we force routines upon ourselves just so our lives will have some sort of definement.

I don't want to say meaning. All life has meaning even if its breath smells like a Singapore prostitutes love nest of death; there's still meaning in there.

Abortion is an option, like it or not. I have no say in the final decision. It's not my body. Some day it may be my baby, and I may want to have the child, but the lady holding my child hostage inside of her womb chooses otherwise. Can I actually take legal action preventing her from taking action on herself? Doubtful, unless your in Wisconsin.

Sometimes abortion is necessary. Typically when the mother is in the midst of a devastating pregnancy which has left her fetus infected,decaying, and ready to spread all God's fury's wrath of disease throughout her body.

There's always a gray area, just as there's always murders in a church, and honest politicians, and streets that have yet to taste blood.

Not Much

Have not much to talk about seeing as that my life has been relegated to work, school, train, study, study, study, sleep for two, maybe three hours, rinse and repeat.

Just found out this week that one of my cousins died. Lucky me, I found out the day of the funeral. Four hours after it occured. I've never been close to my family, but still, this just reeks. However, I cemented my status as black sheep when I told about fifty of my blood, or second generation members of my family to all, and yes, I believe it was "Fuck themselves with razorblade strap-ons."

Haven't been left to critical thinking, but I will write something brilliant soon. I will engage in the memory that has yet to be tapped, and write the songs yet to be sung.

Go away now.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Do Not Cross

I grow weary of having a boss and answering to people that know everything about the rules and nothing about how the game is truly being played. They may write the game, but they never play it. Maybe they feel they don't have to anymore.

I feel like I did the first week I accepted my position at my workplace. Miserable. Everything is ten times better than what it was five months ago, and I coudln't be feeling more dilapidated, more stressed, more useless. There's no excitement in this nine-to-five, insurance covered, benefit having lifestyle.

I'm not a clockpuncher. I'm not a babysitter. I'm a writer.

The city speaks. I must listen.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Your Shaman Returns

I'm back after a lengthy abscence. I've wandered the realm of the city and your industrial shaman is not pleased. Much to write about, much to degrade, more stories to tell.

Words can kill. So can stares.

More to come.