Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Compassion; a senseless rant

How does a person feel when their affection isn't reciprocated? How do you feel?

If you care for someone, and they don't know it, thus, they don't return it; are you angry at them for not returning it?

People do favors because they expect one in return. They don't like to do favors, but they know they're getting one back. They hold it over one another's head like first born children ready to be sacrificed to Ronald Regan, slicing his wrists at the crust of a volcano.

Romance isn't dead, it's just been beaten into a coma, and refuses to come out of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiya! Did you know that the Dutch created the Donut, the VCR and the Compact Disc?? they are amazing. how are you ? sorry I haven't written. I've been a bit busy and a bit out of words this week. will write soon. ~Shannon