In the future after World War III, and further after Alien World War I, a military agent with no memory of his existence awakens from a cryogenic slumber inside an abandoned barn on an Earth that is no longer capable of supporting human life. His only guide to understanding this new world and his purpose is his wrist computer. His mission is to obtain codes from isolated barns in solitary locations that will allow the planet to become inhabitable once again. Along the journey he will encounter aliens, some deranged survivalists, and many, many wiles of walking.
At heart, Hellacious Acres: TCJG is a friendly spoof on survivalist video games. I wish I could name some but I am not an avid gamer, but the first half hour of the film clearly references the instructional stages found at the beginnings of rpg's and some platform games. On screen, it looks like a movie that was made on a weekend salary of someone working at a pawn shop, and they used most of the tools in the pawn shop as props.
Writer/Director Pat Tremblay provides us with interesting homemade costumes, and a script that could have been written on a roll of toilet paper during one sitting in the bathroom, because it if it weren't for the overdubs you would swear they were making the whole thing up on the fly. The film tone is gritty with a few computer effects and homemade slop. There are only three characters in the entire film with the majority of it being John Glass experiencing the worst case scenarios when testing out his suit's equipment.
For whatever reason, I actually watched the whole thing. I was intrigued as to where this whole thing was headed and God help me but there is a part of me that actually liked this movie. It will find its audience, but the vast majority of people that watch it will hate it - not dislike it - HATE it.
I would not recommend this movie to a general movie watcher or even a die hard horror fan. If you're an avid gamer, maybe, but if you do watch this, don't feel bad if you start thinking that your tax paying dollars went to somebody on welfare and they used it to make this film. You will seriously want to hurt somebody.