Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Five Drafts Later and All I Want is One Bullet Chambered

It’s been several years since I’ve ever had a story give me such a hard time. Normally I get the babbling out of the way and the characters lead me on the journey, but Cemetery Ballroom has proven to be a cantankerous, donkey-dick-slapping-whore. What began as a Loose Idea is now a full blown short story, but it has not been without headaches.
Things being what they are, I have a shrivel of hours to spare into a piece of work be it a written piece, a drawing, music – whatever – I can’t put as much effort into it as I would like, but I’ll be damned if I’m not going to finish what I start. I read all four Hobbit books by the highly overrated and holier than thou J.R.R. Tolkien, so I’m pretty sure I could follow Dante’s footsteps and map out the entrances and backdoor warehouse of hell.
Cemetery Ballroom has gone through five different drafts; four handwritten one typed, but each time I had to strip it to the bare bones, study it from all angles, and try and try again. I seriously doubt that the finished product will be any good, but at least I will have completed it and have told a story that I wanted to tell. It’s a piece that is character driven except the characters are a high school student and a cemetery. The cemetery has an attitude, it springs to life, but I feel that I’m just not capturing the essence of it all.
I know I won’t be happy with the finished product, and there is no assurance that I won’t return to it later on down the line, but as sure as my heart is jaded and my mind is tainted I will finish this story.

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