Sunday, July 22, 2007

Gloomy Beach Revisited

Today today, it rained, but that was when today, yes this today, was still yesterday me time, and technically today Earth time.

Anyway - This time breakfast was fine, and I had enough time to thread a path, a path so fine because I had allowed myself the time.

The readings were great, how great, great enough to jump to writing a page, the page turned two, then more after four - four more pages - more pages made great.

Coffee was a treat, and the call was neat.
The sadly lit beach was sweet, it felt like every kind of retreat -
The kind you soak in, the kind you surrender to -
The gray side of sunshine began to deplete.

Night was inevitable. Shadows and circuses
Being ever so hospitable.
Society's taboos declare it unlivable.
These worn eyes, shattered mind, and bendable heart
Imply that high night is incredible.

Fell free to chase a tale
I will return when the taste of the conversation is stale.
Then, when tales are extinct due to chase
The pace of watery paste reinvigorates the essence of the taste.


Eh. It is what it is. I was going to save it for later today, but I figured, it's an experiement; I'd like to believe that I can't screw up an experiment. The worst thing that could happen - I discover the written sequence that cracks through the third dimension, detonating explosions through hyper space, parenthetically dooming us all.

Or this piece could just really really suck.

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