Saturday, May 13, 2006

Would Stock

I'm restless, but surrounded by everyone I hold dear. That's not what I want right now. I want something else, something, not new, and I don't want to say different, but rather familiar from a distance.

I've been having so many de ja vu's lately, I'm wondering, if I slow down now, will I be able to enter it, recite it; take the same steps, or am I just going to walk through the same flood, another storm, and end up in the desert like always, with the lingering breath of the water trapping me inside my own humid bubble, where the wind doesn't push a cool breeze, rather, it pushes the heat around as it bounces off my bubble?

I need rain. I like rain.
"Rain falls on everyone."-Billy Corgan. Smashing Pumpkins.

Rain rhymes with pain. Maybe I've been getting the two confused, and have been asking for the wrong one? Sometimes, instinct is a female dog.

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