Monday, April 08, 2013

Yeah, I Saw It - Hypothermia (2010)

During an annual ice fishing getaway, a family is joined by a father and son who prefer bringing society's luxuries with them. They soon know their quarrel needs to cease because something beneath the ice has begun stalking them in the lake and on the land.

For the most part, Hypothermia kept my interest and offered some chills (HA! Pun). It has a short running time which helps it in every way. This is not the type of film you drag out for ninety minutes. That kind of mentality has hurt too many thrillers and horror movies. Writer/Director James Felix McKenney got it right.

There violence is satisfying and hurts equally because you might let some of these characters grow on you. It's a character driven movie that finally allows Michael Rooker to play a decent human being. He's usually playing scumbags and psychotics, which is also welcomed. Blanche Baker just about steals the show as Helen, wife to Michael Rooker's Ray. When it's time for her character to lead, she grabs the reigns and will be damned if she's giving them back.

It was relieving to see an actor in a  well made creature outfit. Most of the computer simulations were reserved for underwater movements. There was one land scene that made me jump.

And because I said that, I will now say this - I went into Hypothermia without having seen any trailers or read anything other than the synopsis on my TV screen. I have seen the trailer since then and I can't say I would've enjoyed the movie as much if I had seen previews prior to watching the movie.

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