Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dying God (2008) - Yeah, I Saw It

Being a corrupt cop in Buenos Aires has suited the vices of Detective Sean Fallon nicely. However, there is a serial killer on the loose savagely, inhumanely murdering women, mostly prostitutes; and Detective Fallon’s underbelly business associates are not handling their loss of merchandise too kindly, but the more information Detective Fallon obtains about the murderer the more it seems that there is nothing human about the killer at all.  

The estimated budget for Dying God rounded out to five-hundred thousand dollars, and I think it’s safe to say not all of the money went into the production; maybe some went up the nose and down the gullets of the production. Long-time producer Fabrice Lambot takes on Dying God as his first full-length feature after directing a couple of short films and pulls off a near miracle, particularly since there were four different screenwriters and two story creators. However, Lambot had his hand in both of those as well.

At first sight you’d think you were watching low scale amateur porn, and for the first twenty minutes you’d be right, but once the violence kicks in it was all guts and sleaze – everything I wanted. The story was actually interesting. The acting is terrible; Lance Henriksen easily outshines everyone with his performance, but the overall experience was worthwhile. James Horan performs terribly as Detective Fallon, but I actually grew to like the guy, bad delivery and all. At least he offered authentic personality.

There are absolutely zero computer graphics in this movie. All of the makeup, the costumes, and the gore are homemade and work perfectly. The action scenes are gruesome to watch, including some head explosions, abdominal eviscerations, and all out rape by a giant monster’s giant monstrous cock.

Anyone who takes cinema as a whole or horror far too seriously will most likely shun Dying God at first glance or within viewing the first five minutes. Personally, I was thrilled with it; I almost loved it, but it needed just a tad more violence for me to do that and a better climax, but it was a good story for what was offered, and it was refreshing to see hands-on effects in a creature feature, and the sleaze..ooooh the sleaze.  I would gladly watch Dying God again, and since Hollyweird is so hell bent on remaking everything within the first ten days of release, why not remake this one, just be sure to recast Lance Henriksen as the lady-friendly, take-no-shit pimp. He was awesome….naturally.

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