Friday, July 13, 2012

It's My Party and I'll Die if I Want To (2007) - Movie Review

In the year 1937, Jacob Burkitt went suddenly insane and slaughtered his entire family. Seventy years later, Sara’s friends decide to throw her 18th birthday party in Burkitt manor, thinking that the legend was in the past. However, the creature haunting the doomed house is very real.

At first glance, I was ready to roll my eyes and laugh myself silly at this movie. Everything from the title, to the digital camera used to shoot the movie; even the cheesy music signaled this flick to be a waste of time. However, within the first five minutes it begins proving me wrong and continues doing so the entire film. The special effects are of great quality, considering that it looks like this could’ve passed for a high school project (the budget was $30,000). The kills are grotesque; the acting is ridiculously good for a bunch of amateurs. Writer/director Tony Wash does a fantastic job of creating something interesting out of practically nothing. He was an attendee of Tom Savini’s FX school and he honed his craft quite well. Tom Savini himself has a cameo in the beginning.

Normally, a movie with the aesthetic value of It’s My Party….is the kind that you watch to laugh at it’s faults. There are few to be found; instead it is an impressive example of low, low, loooow budget movie magic. 

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