Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Amazing Spiderman Can Wait

I have an opportunity to watch Amazing Spiderman this morning, but I'm so sick of origin flicks even if they are great movies. X-Men: First Class is a wonderful film, Matthew Vaughn is one of my must-see directors, but I couldn't finish the bloody thing. I already know where the story is going, I just want to pick up on an adventure and get going already which is why I'm not all that interested in Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman film. Sure, there will be changes, but at the end of the day it's going to be the same hero who has gone through almost half a dozen movie variations with only one memorable battle against a super villain (Superman II).

Amazing Spiderman claims to tell the untold story, yet all of the untold story has been pulled from the movie. Apparently, it has been reserved for the upcoming sequels.Also, I've never been that much of a Spiderman fan.The Sam Raimi trilogy was awful, in my opinion; not just part 3, I thought the whole trilogy stank. Much like the X-Men movies - the first isn't as good as it was twelve years ago, the second one is the second best but still drags; the third - well, Brett Ratner, so there you go - and I explained my thoughts on the prequel above - it's the best but it's redundant. Every super hero origin film is redundant, including Green Lantern; another one I enjoyed but couldn't wait for to put the pedal tot he metal and go on some adventures because we get the same story. A social outcast gains fascinating abilities, they test them out with hilarious folly, one of their closest relationships becomes strained,a villain who also knows our hero well gains their powers through similar if the not the exact same means, only experiencing different results. The hero beats the bad guy and typically gets the girl. The same could be said for action films or horror films, the formula is always the same, but at least those genres offer a tweak in character development a twist in the story - the super hero's are practically interchangeable - slip one into the other movie, you'll still have the same movie; slightly different attitudes, but the same outcome.

Dolph Lundgren's Punisher movie nailed it. Get the story going, one quick flashback for the origin and we're back to killing bad guys. The Avengers was loud and mindless, but it clicked because you were served characters in small increments, the main factor for the Hulk's success in the movie. You were given him in small doses.Batman Begins and Christopher Nolan broke down the entire franchise and the psychology behind the psychopath wearing a giant bat costume which had never been done before.

I have no doubts about the quality of Amazing Spiderman, I'm just not up to unwrapping the same candy I've been eating for twelve years only because it's in a different wrapper.

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