Sunday, March 25, 2012

Crawlspace (1986) - Movie Review

A former Nazi surgeon obsessed with his control over life and death has turned his surgical skills into elaborate death traps for the women occupying his boarding house whom he spies on through the ventilation ducts.

Veteran character actor Klaus Kinski plays Dr. Karl Gunther, a power mad surgeon with a lust for killing. As usual Kinski outshines most of the cast. He has the visual appeal of a homicidal ice cream man with the attitude of a Howitzer cannon. The victims in Crawlspace are an upgrade from the typical teenage dingbats. These victims are adult, goal oriented women with a few of them trying to molt the dingbat image.

Crawlspace was a wonderful surprise from director/writer David Scmoeller who brought us other horror thrillers such as Netherworld and Tourist Trap. It is filled with grizzly shocks and adequate kills. The more you learn about Dr. Gunther the more you either hope the worst or damn if the demented elf doesn’t start growing on you.

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