Thursday, July 07, 2011


Unsure what the next art piece should be. The samurai is the likliest candidate, but it'll be the most complex piece I've attempted in a lyong time; plus, there's research to be done.

Figured out a new deltoid workout. I tried it, and I'm excited with the results. The rotation works the deltoid in a twisting motion, taking the muscle to it's tightest peak; possibly beneficial to a gymnast. Also gonna try a personally new protein from Nutrex - Muscle Infusion Black (ah yeah), cookies n'cream flavor (Chyeah!), but I selected it because it has all the positives of a Syntha-6: the isolates, egg-whites, whey and such, however, Muscle Infusion Black (M.I.B. Haaa!) contains far less carbs, sugars, sodium, cholesterol; I'm looking forward to that as well.

Work to do, work to do....

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