Saturday, July 12, 2008


Explosions occur every day all around the planet. Most of them are underground as the Earth slowly regenerates itself, like scab forming on a wound, eventually becoming new flesh. Sometimes these explosions spread their actions to the surface. Volcanoes all around the globe have been acting up lately, some of them even having been dormant for as long as over 9000 years.

Man creates explosions, with some even mastering the art of combustion. They can make a large object explode or implode. They can decide how long the explosion will last, and even what color the explosion will be.

Within our minds, man explodes every day. We lose our job. Someone dies. Our love leaves us. Some people explode largely, unleashing all their frustrations out at once. Sometimes its harmless, other times blood is spilled; maybe theirs, maybe someone elses.

Some people explode lightly; one tiny burst at a time until the big one happens. Those usually involve bloodshed. And some people control their explosions, waiting to discharge on the right person(s).

Tick. Tick. Tick.

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