Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Recursion Bandit


Finally had a good chest-day. Injuries suck and waiting for the cables is as close to mental sate masochism as I've been in years. I remember now why I stopped.

Today was different. I've found the proper time zone for chest-day.

Oh, I love making mistakes. Not the life-shattering ones any more; you know, not the I Said There'd Be Blood kinds of mistakers, for there are more than a handful of subcategories for such things. Especially with blood involved.

Just the innocent mistakes. The ones that sting because you want them to. They don't shatter the stratosphere, in fact they help you reestablish yourself, or, "check yoself, fool." as the kids say these days. I was partial to "fuck off or get raped with an elbow" myself.

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