Monday, February 18, 2008

Tired in Deadsville

Haven't felt like posting lately. Not much to talk about. Everything is back in routine, and not a whole lot of progress made on any end other than spouting out new ideas. Well, new to me, probably a rehash or a rip off to others.

I don't have an interesting life and I don't want one. I like mine, though others do consider what I do, the different things; the writing, the training, the art - they find that interesting. I suppose if I would find selling toilest for a living interesting if I never knew anything about it.

The world is still fucked. America is still without a leader, and has been for abour four or five decades. Humanity is a shrill, and hopefully will find itself on the endangered species list one day.

Global warming isn't threatening anything except mankind. The planet, you know, planet Earth, the one that is supposedly in such danger - - it's going to be fine. It's the people that don't stand a chance. Well, a whole lot of people, several billions. Some will be okay, but the majority - deadsville. Suckers.

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