Friday, February 29, 2008


Serisouly, get a fucking life, get a fucking clue; get a fucking happy ending from the Korean stretch-goddess, capable of penetrating any slight opening on your person, your body, your physical shell.

But Congress - - FUCK. YOU.

I could care less about what Roger Clemens injected into his ass on what date.

As a fitness enthusiast I know who needs what for what, and I, like the greater nuber of the American public, could care less about what sad piece of metal-drip doesn't get to go inside a person's ass.

It's not your blood dying afar. It's not your livliehood being threatened. You have no idea what the "common" person feels, thinks, or endures every damn day. You don't know what America is anymore - - the REAL America.

I have no sympathy for any of you - in what is going to happen - and what is to become.

You are not survivalists. People like me are. We live to live. We breathe so we know we're still breathing, which let's us know we're still alive. And being alive means having choices.

That's where God and democracy fucked up. You let me have a mind of my own.

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