Friday, January 04, 2008

Shitter Was Full

I can't take a blog seriously. I can't take communication seriously.

Dinner on a weekend can be dangerous. I like home. I love being home, but I have never had what some would call that "home feeling." I never get homesick; I like the idea of the road as a home.

There is too much shit out there, and I need a piece of it.

I don't like talking about anything. I like quiet, but I need noise. Noise creates the courtesy wall. There are those that neglect the courtesy wall rule, which does get noticed and dealt with accordingly.

I do hate people. Not even my friends take me seriously; and when I say people, I mean the idea of people.

A person is cool. I have no problems with a person.

People. are. stupid.

Yet I find people funny. Or it could be that I find several persons funny, which in any rational mind would theoretically be people, but you must remember, you are dealing with this son of a bitch right now. I never said it wouldn't hurt.

But I don't hate people. They keep me amused, they inspire me, but damn I loathe them a hell of a lot. I despise more than a dozen handfuls of handfuls. And yes, there are some people that I just hate.

This is called being human, and I'm not used to it. This is called being comfortable, and I've never experienced anything so elegant. And now it is evolving, and there is a need that urges you to work, because you know it can be so much better.

The mass population is stupid. The limit for intelligence is unknown, and still, quite likely, encrypted. Dogs, pigs, apes, and monkies, horses even; all of these creatures are considered by many scientific factions to be of high intelligence as animals are compared to humans. How intelligent are these animals in their own minds, and ours in theirs? And let's forget about domestic breeds - in the wild - what would our skills be worth in nature in comparison to an orangutan's survival instincts.

Animals learn by repetition, just like humans. Animals learn by observing, just like humans.

I still have my doubts about animals having a soul. Which leads me to doubts about humans, but I must say that I have never heard, read, or written about animal ghosts, though I would not doubt that some in any sort of media does exist. And I don't care about that.

There have been no reported Tyrannosaurus Rex apparitions floating and mauling about, which I have written about in Devin King. I think I've posted a shit or two with him some time ago in this place.

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