Monday, January 14, 2008

Double Barrel On Being Germ Free

It still amazes me that people buy into the hand-sanitizer. I think that in a world where I, a disposable class, and millions of people, instinctively wedge at the very least my fingertips - and I know you're envisioning this right now - but you can also think of it as God and Adam in the Sistine Chapel, touching.

Yeah. I was once told that my ass has dimples. I'm guessing that was a good thing.

But there I am with my recently washed-formerly fingertips smelling like ass. And I know there are people out there that do not wash their hands after partaking in the evenths that a bathroom can provide. And it's bloody foul.

Hand-Sanitizer doesn't cure and it doesn't contain. It supresses the inevitable network of nature for a few seconds, and eventually they touch what ass-fingers left behind.

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Apparently some of you like that word.

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