Thursday, August 07, 2014

Never Too Late for an Extinction

I love how the Black dudes at the gym freak out that I will rap ANY lyrics that come over my headphones. I've only noticed one that's had issues; the rest find their groove in their own music and start working out harder. I won't say the N-word. I know what it is to experience racism. Not as badly as Blacks, but being half-Anglo/half-Mexican, I've felt the hatred from both sides. And I still give zero fucks.

If any are offended, they can feel free to kick my ass. It sure as HELL wouldn't be the first time nor the last time. These newer generations could benefit from an ass whoopin' or three; so damn sensitive about their feeeeelings and they don't wanna get buuulllieeed.


Participation trophies. That's why these newer generations are PUSSIES. They don't know they ABSOLUTELY SUCK at sports. Which means some are not motivated to find something they ARE good at. They think they suck at everything.The rest play too many damn video games to realize they could step into reality and travel the real world instead of getting diabetes and stop/save their progress in a fake one.

I will never fault anyone for respecting their heritage. But now, regardless of your race, a hoodrat is a HOODRAT. And these hoodrats are too dumb to be proud to be hoodrats. They just think yelling makes them right.

Music, writing, art; those are the reasons I'm still alive, because I know I can do all three better than most people earning a living off of either one. I can also do murder, but where would that get me?...OH, free food, free air conditioning, free cable TV, and even though I'm on death row, I get to live another 40 years because........why?....Oh, because I live in America. The wealthy control the government. The rich control the workers. The hundreds of millions of workers are too ignorant, and purposely squelched by American educational standards, to realize the hundreds of millions of workers outnumber the dozens of thousands of authority.

It's going to get ugly in America.Earth is already rebelling against humans. Mankind is on it's way towards a mass extinction. The only link is that the majority of the under and over privileged ignore history (ignorant - you see where it comes from?).

Bring it on. I'm fucking bored.

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