Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Sun Never Touched Here

It was cold, but when was it not? No one in Killyn had seen the sun in twenty years. The beams of the golden myth echoed through the clouds, but never did the solar source touch the town's earth. The landscape was desolate, with the only green eminating from the painted buildings, or the rotten water.

Himnia perched herself on the well's edge. She scoped her little town, encompassing all of its dreariness, and the depression that kept the day to day chores from being so boring. If there was no action to be done, what was there to live for. She would never see the sun, she thought, she would never touch grass blades, and her skin would forever be pale, allowing her to hide in the snow, and maybe, just maybe she wouldn't tell anyone where she was, and would wait until the sun finally decided to show itself before ever telling anyone where she hid her soul.

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